At XPEL, we’re not just a business, we’re enthusiasts too. With everything we do, we put quality & our reputation at the forefront and have done so since 1997. Our world-wide installer network is driven by the most competent and well-trained technicians available. The products we offer are meticulously tested and proven to perform under the harshest conditions around while maintaining the best possible appearance. Trust XPEL to be the only thing between you and the open road.

what we offer

revolutionary products

From our range of paint protection film to our automotive window tint & our ceramic coating, the materials we offer are on the cutting edge of technology, innovation and quality.


DAP, developed by our in-house engineers, is the largest and most comprehensive pattern design program worldwide. In the hands of an XPEL certified installer, the 80,000+ patterns DAP owns provide the confidence installers need to apply the film efficiently, accurately and without worry.

24 hour customer support

An unhappy customer is never acceptable. The XPEL Customer Support team is available to answer your questions and help solve problems at any given moment. We strive to constantly improve our customer experience and will do everything we can to make sure you’re satisfied.

World Class Dealer Network

With certified installer in over 55 countries and counting, we’re confident that no matter where you are in the world, you’ll receive the same unparalleled service and quality that you’ve come to expect from XPEL.

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